Rapid Line Industries Teams with the Missouri University of Science & Technology
The Basic Utility Vehicle team from Missouri University of Science and Technology re-engineered a GM vehicle into an Electric Basic Utility Vehicle (E-BUV). In comparison to light duty vehicles the E-BUV exhibits superior performance in fuel economy, ease of maintenance, cargo capacity and the ability to handle rough terrain.
In order to achieve these criteria, all aspects of the vehicle are addressed including: powertrain, frame, steering/suspension, cargo bed.
Rapid Line Industries Inc. responded in a professional and generous matter when faced with the challenges presented to them by the Missouri S&T BUV team.
Rapid Line Industries Inc.'s design and manufacturing equipment enables automotive designers & manufacturers to dramatically speed up development & production of new vehicles, & achieve higher levels of precision at substantially reduced cost.
The Need
The Missouri S&T BUV team was tasked to design and build a fully functional vehicle in four months. Students participating in the Missouri S&T BUV were encouraged to explore a variety of powertrains including full function battery electric. Accompanying the challenge of limited time, the students on the team were also faced with a steep learning curve. Rapid Line Industries Inc. allowed the S&T BUV Team to overcome the challenges that rose in the development of the mechanical components of the E-BUV. When it came time to discuss how the team would meet the deadline the Team inquired about Rapid Line Industries Inc. regarding their products and expertise. A known leader in quality design and manufacturing equipment, Rapid Line Industries Inc. was the right resource for the task.
The Solution
Rapid Line Industries Inc. identified the challenge the team was facing with the short design and build deadlines and came up with the perfect solution. Using Rapid Line's mobile bench and design software, the students were able to efficiently determine a vehicle design, mock it up and complete the final fully functional vehicle in four months.
Learning Experience
Rapid Line Industries Inc. provided the Missouri S&T BUV Team with a great learning experience! The representative taught members of the team how to use the design software, and how to ensure a high quality build. The S&T BUV Team was able to learn professional instruction from Rapid Line Industries Inc. quickly and proficiently.
The Results
Rapid Line Industries Inc. provided excellent support to the team prior, during, and after the training session. They helped with the selection of mechanical components to construct an efficient and durable vehicle. With the help of Rapid Line Industries Inc. the team successfully design and built a fully functional vehicle that met all performance targets and meeting all deadlines.
Thank you, from the Missouri University of Science & Technology BUV Team.